Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SANGRIA (Chile) ~ Esclavo de la Ira (2024)

 I have a long standing affinity with the Chilean sludge/doom band Sangria ever since I contacted them many years ago when trying to find a copy of their first album 'Renaces de la miseria' The band was kind enough to reply with a CD of the album and also some earlier demo's and the track 'El Esbirro' became a regular feature on the various radio stations I was involved with. And so, after the release of  the excellent 'Agnosis' I was keen to try out the destructive force of Sangria's latest album 'Esclavo de la Ira' (Slave Of Wrath). 

The album is still heavy enough to crush the marrow from your bones but there is a slight difference between this and the others. As usual with Sangria, each song structure is fairly straightforward and won't distract you from your punishment, but rather than suffocating you in doomy sludge, 'Esclavo de la Ira' has a darker, enraged sound to it, reminding me of Triptykon in parts. The riffs have an edge to them, not blunted by excess sludge, although there is still enough to cause maximum pain, giving an overall crunchier more violent sound not heard on previous albums. 

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