Friday, September 13, 2024

BLEED THIS EARTH ~ The Shapes That Stood in Silence (2024)

Straddling the the various emotions of despair between My Dying Bride and Mournful Congregation, we have a new album by New Zealand's Bleed This Earth called 'The Shapes That Stood in Silence' It's a tragic tale of Parental devotion and ultimate sacrifice that is captured magnificently in four lengthy inconsolably grieving tracks that sweat fear, dismay and a love that has been cruelly snatched away. There is perfect balance between melodic guitar crying out in anguish against an oppressive backdrop of hulking funeralistic doom outraged at the injustice of it all.

I very rarely mention album covers on the Podcast or in reviews but I'm particularly drawn to this one because it cleverly embodies the essence of the album, the spirits of the doting Parents distraught at the realisation that they must forsake their daughter in order to cure the child of the night terrors brought about by their ghastly silhouettes.

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