Monday, August 12, 2024

WORMTHRONE ~ Enlightened Through Darkness (2024)

Featuring members from: ENTHRONED, LUCIFYRE, FLAGELLUM DEI, THY BLACK BLOOD, Wormthrone isn't your normal black metal band with a waspish sound. Here lurks a suffocating, toxic album, spewing forth sulphurous riffs from a fermenting tarpit. 'Enlightened Through Darkness' really is relentless in its hatred and anger, but far from being a wall of impenetrable noise, each track has an identity, shifting tempo from an all out sonic blackened onslaught interspersed with death metal and culminating in the final track, the near 11 minute 'Through Pestilence and Holocaust' which sheds its corrupted skin to reveal an almost post-black metal sound.

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